Like an Old, Dependable Shoe:​​ The Brand Desire Exchange

Man taking care of old stylish leather shoes.

There is nothing quite like the comforting sound of fabric laces and their trusty aglets slapping against the soft worn leather of a well-loved pair of shoes. The comforting squish of those foamy footbeds, molded to perfection around each and every toe. You know the ones. Your go-to pair for every vacation and business trip, the ones that make you look and feel your best at the same time. As they get older and begin to fall apart, they are simply more lived in. The thought of giving in to the fact that they have far exceeded a reasonable expiration date simply floats across your mind and fades, a worry for another day or another year. They still fit to perfection and haven’t fallen apart yet. That is what really matters. 

But this has to do with a lot more than just the superior quality of a well-made shoe. As much as we would love to think that we chose the most trustworthy brand who has simply made the perfect shoe, there are psychological and physiological components too. Of course, it might be quality to some extent, but at a certain point that factor drops off as a diminishing return. Even a cheap shoe can be worn to oblivion. But we simply don’t keep those pairs. They get tossed out at their appropriate time. The ones we keep are the ones that we simply can’t part with. The delicate inscription on the sole now faded and weathered stays at the forefront of our minds. 

We stick with the brand that we believe will last forever. That is why we purchase designer goods much of the time. They are an investment. Not just monetarily, but also in how we perceive ourselves. Quite literally, they put a spring in our step. 

This is one factor of what I call BRANDcebo. In my years of research and experience as a marketing professional I discovered that when a consumer believes so strongly in the power and promise of a brand — a placebo effect occurs. This philosophy consists of years of psychological and behavioral analysis. Simply put, the reason you can’t get rid of your favorite branded shoes boils down to science. Taken as a whole, it goes beyond brand awareness to create a fulfilling and self-actualizing brand relationship. 

You can capture the same, seemingly magical, hold your favorite brand has on you for your very own brand. Keep reading for a sneak peek at one component of BRANDcebo called the brand desire exchange, to understand why those old, dependable shoes will have to walk themselves out of your closet before you get rid of them yourself. 

Long Lasting

Do good brands actually last longer? Or rather, do we simply keep them longer over the other brands? When you think of the items in your closet that have far outlived what they owe you, are they still there because they are “good brands” and you can’t seem to part with them yet? I, for example, have some old designer dress shoes that have practically become a permanent fixture in my wardrobe. Many newer shoes in far better shape have been cast away over time, but not this trusty pair. 

What might appear to onlookers as old, worn shoes feel practically new to me. In my eyes, they are as gorgeous as the first day I tried them on. I still wear them, and when I do, I feel as confident and fashion forward as that same first day. This is the BRANDcebo effect in action. It elevates our brand perception. Just like with many other luxurious products in our lives like cars, wine, and cashmere, we attribute and truly experience a higher level of perceived quality with desirable brands.

Real Response

Still not convinced? Let’s take a look at something more concrete: physiological response. In a study about women wearing shawls with and without the Hermes label, something astounding was found. The women who believed they were wearing Hermes were measured to have higher body temperature when wearing a Hermes-branded shawl than the women who wore the same shawl without the branded label. The desire to be warm was strengthened by the desire to experience a better performance from the Hermes brand. The BRANDcebo effect took place to confirm their beliefs and satisfy their expectations. 

This is not the only case. In a similar study with energy drinks, participants who drank a liquid they believed to be the higher-priced energy drink also had a physiologically reaction. They experienced a measurable increase in an alert and invigorated state. Once informed of the deception, the placebo effect was weakened and significantly so. Simply put, consumers have an innate desire to justify paying more for a “better quality” drink. They are predisposed to want the product to perform better, believe it will, and truly experience a better outcome.

Deepening Desire

Traditional brand development services and campaigns ultimately are aimed at creating interest. They achieve this through building brand awareness and transforming ideas about the brand into a positive brand perception through targeted messaging and experiences. When successful, they often engage both the rational and irrational minds of consumers making purchase decisions, a process heavily weighted in cost vs benefit analyses. 

But the best brands unlock more than curiosity. They not only create desire, they deepen it. It becomes an emotional decision about how a product will help them get closer to reaching their aspirations. Purchasers’ hearts and guts become involved. Desire goes beyond what we want. With BRANDcebo, it becomes who we want to be.

Evoke Effect

So how can you make this a reality with your brand? It is a process I call “The Desire Brand Exchange.” It happens when a brand causes that innate desire we have for a product to excel which in turn affects brand perception and ultimately a product’s performance. 

Evoke this effect with your brand by understanding your customers motives and showing them how you can help them achieve their aspirations. They want to look, feel, know, and perform better. So show them how. Believe in their destination and align your brand with it. Next, formulate your brand promises in a tangible and inspiring way that connects to those deep desires your customers feel to reach their aspirations. And finally, do not forget to ensure that your brand’s values and attributes fit as excellently with your customers’ values and beliefs as those old, dependable shoes. Let them see themselves in your brand. 

You have now experienced your first steps into the major impact of the powerful placebo effect of brands. But there’s a lot more to it. BRANDcebo is a complex and multifaceted destination. To reach desire, first comes priming and expectation. To take the first steps into the mind of your customers, you can buy my book here. Just remember to bring some comfortable shoes. 

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